The Three R's

It is always greener to follow the old dictum :


I know you've heard it a thousand times before, but with The "green" word now co-opted in the service of sales, The Three R's are a phrase and a principle worth reviving.



Reducing means using fewer resources in the first place. This is the most effective of the three R's and the place to begin.



Reusing keeps new resources from being used for a while longer, and old resources from entering the waste stream. It's as important as it is unglamourous. Think about how you can do it more.



Recycling is the "R" that has caught on the best. Partly, this is because there are so many curbside recycling programs today, which makes recycling so darned easy. What keeps it from being a total piece of cake is the rules. Every municipality has its own, and they are not always as straightforward as they could be.